| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7. Development Parameter Operation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
7.1. Copy Development Parameter
You can copy the development parameter of the selected scene to other scenes by utilizing the paste buffer.
First, select scene to be copied, and copy the development parameters and image properties to the paste buffer with [Parameter (P)] [Copy development parameters (C)] from the menu or [CTRL] + C.
Next, paste the development parameters or image properties recorded in the paste buffer to a single or multiple selected scenes.
Pasting methods are different for "Development parameters" and "Image properties." The following explains how to paste.
7.1.1. Paste Development Parameter
This is the method for pasting overall "Development parameters" as a batch.(*1)
By the menu command [Parameter(P)]-[Paste development parameter(P)] or the short cut key [CTRL]+V, you can paste the entire development parameter from the paste buffer to the selected scenes.
*1 | "Trimming area" is treated as a special parameter not included in all parameters and cannot be copied. Copy the "Trimming area" using the "Paste partial development parameters" function. |
7.1.2. Paste Partial Development Parameter
Use when pasting partial development parameters and parameters that are not development parameters (trimming area) that are recorded in the paste buffer.
The menu command [Parameter(P)]-[Paste development parameter(P)] displays the "Paste part of the development parameters" dialog. The menu command [Parameter(P)]-[Paste development parameter(P)] displays the "Paste part of the development parameters" dialog. You can select the parameter category to paste on this dialog, and clicking [Execute] pastes the selected part of the parameters to the target scenes.
7.1.3. Special handling of pasted development parameters
When copying development parameters through pasting development parameters or partial paste, some development parameters are processed through a special conversion.
Furthermore, development parameters that have settings for "On" and "Off" are specially handled. Paste Trimming Area
When pasting the "Trimming area" by the "Paste Partial Development Parameter" function, "trimming area" is appropriately converted according to the image orientation or the development parameter.
When the orientation of the image is different, "trim area" is turned 90 degrees. When the image is transformed by "Rotation/Digital shift" function, the "trimming area" is relocated to become identical the relative position in the default valid area.
This conversion adjust only a position and an orientation, but the size of the trimming area is not changed. The extension condition of the trimming area is pasted just as it is.
When pasting the parameter which does not specify a trimming area, the "trimming area" of the target scene will be initialized.
When the trimming area is converted from the scene which is taken by other digital camera or the scene in which the trimming area is extended, it sometimes exceeds the range which it is possible for the target scene. In such a case, the pasting of the trimming area isn't done. Pasting digital shift
Top-bottom and left-right shifts in the digital shift parameters of the "Rotation / Digital Shift" category are parameters that depend on the aspect of the image. Whether the image is horizontal or vertical is one criterion.
Therefore, if the digital shift parameter set on a horizontal scene is pasted on a vertical scene, "Top-bottom shift" and "Left-right shift" parameters will appropriately convert them.
This conversion is performed when images are rotated in 90degree units. Turning on and off
You must be cautious when pasting parameter blocks that switch on and off. This is because there are slight differences in actions when on or off.
Paste actions are determined by whether the status of parameters that record and save in the paste buffer, which is the basis of pasting, are "On" or "Off."
If you paste a parameter block that is on, the on / off status and the value of all current parameters within the parameter block will be copied.
If you paste a parameter block that is off, the off status will be continued and none of the current parameter values within the parameter block will change. Though it may seem to require a little special handling, these specifications are so that they will conform to development parameters and make the entire software easier to use.
* | This same process is used for "Reading development parameters." |
7.2. Save Development Parameter
You can record and save development parameters of a selected scene as a file.
Click on  in the "Taste parameters" sub-control, or use [Parameter (P)] [Save development parameters] in the menu to begin processing.
SILKYPIX automatically records and saves the latest status of edited development parameters, but please use this if you want to save the status of development parameters at will.
7.3. Load Development Parameter
 You can load the development parameters from the saved parameter file (.spd) by the "Save Development Parameter" function, or from the developed image file (.jpg/.tif) by SILKYPIX® Developer Studio 4.0 .
Click on  in the "Taste parameters" sub-control, or use [Parameter (P)] [Read development parameters] in the menu to begin processing.
If you select multiple scenes in the "Thumbnail" mode or the "Combination" mode, you can load the development parameter to all selected scenes.
* By SILKYPIX® Developer Studio 4.0 , the development parameter is embedded into the developed image file (.jpg/.tif). And you can load the development parameter from this developed image file.
For example, how to operate and use the features are noted below.
(1) | You must save the developed image file (.jpg/.tif) with EXIF information to embed the development parameter into the file. |
(2) | Please select the target scenes to load. * If you select multiple scenes, you can load the development parameter to all selected scenes. |
(3) | Display "Taste/Parameter" sub-control by clicking the [Taste/Parameter] button. |
(4) | Click the [Load development parameter] button on the "Taste/Parameter" sub-control. |
(5) | The "Read development parameters" dialog will be displayed. Designate the location in which JPEG / TIFF image files were saved in (1) above in the "File location" field. |
(6) | Change the "File location" field as needed. |
(7) | Select the source JPEG/TIFF file and then Click the [Open(O)] button. |
(8) | The development parameter will be loaded to all selected scenes. |
7.4. Initialize Development Parameter
Return development parameters of one or multiple selected scenes to initial status. If default parameters are set, default parameters will be applied.
Click on  in the "Taste parameters" sub-control, or use [Parameter (P)] [Initialize development parameters (O)] in the menu to begin processing.
7.5. Cloakroom of Development Parameter
In the "Taste/Parameter" sub-control, you can save the development parameter in the cloakroom temporarily, and you can also restore the development parameter from the cloakroom.
You can utilize this feature to save the development parameter temporarily during operating one scene, or to copy the development parameter from one scene to other scenes.
The Cloakroom has four rooms (ROOM) that you can freely utilize, and a special room (Latest) that automatically stores the latest editing parameters.
 Click the  button at the left side of the cloakroom to save the development parameter of the selected scene. Then a subscription time is displayed at the cloakroom and it becomes active.
Click the active cloakroom to paste the development parameter to the selected scenes.
This feature can be utilized for the comparison of two development parameters, too.
7.5.1. Pasting latest editing parameters
The latest status of edited development parameters is always stored in a room for temporary registrations, shown as "Latest" at the bottom.
By pasting image parameters stored in this room to other scenes, you can continue working on other successive scenes under the editing status of other scenes being operated on up to that point.
Editing results of one scene can be applied to other scenes as is, if scenes were taken under roughly the same photographic conditions or are successive, such as when photographed in a studio or when photographed in successive mode. This can also efficiently adjust the development parameters of multiple photographs by starting editing from that point, even if not kept exactly the same.
* | Temporarily registered development parameters remain on until the software is ended. Use "Save development parameters" if you want to save the development parameters because they will otherwise be cleared when the software is closed. |
7.6. Set Development Parameter to Multiple Scenes
You can set the development parameter stored in the cloakroom to multiple scenes continuously. Click the  button at the right side of the cloakroom in the "Thumbnail mode" or the "Combination mode".
 Then the operation mode is changed to continuously paste mode. In this mode, you can set the development parameter to the target scene by clicking on the thumbnail, and you can repeat this action continuously.
 Click the  button at the right side of the cloakroom once again to return to the previous mode.
7.7. Operation for Multiple Scenes
You can use the following operation of development parameter if selecting multiple scenes in the "Thumbnail mode" or "Combination mode".
(1) | Initialize Development Parameters |
This function initializes the development parameter of all of the selected scenes.
(2) | Paste Development Parameters |
This function sets the development parameter that is in the paste buffer by "Copy Development Parameter" function, to all selected scenes.
(3) | Paste Partial Development Parameters |
This function allows you to paste the part of the development parameter to all selected scenes.
The menu command [Parameter(P)]-[Paste development parameter(P)] displays the "Paste parts of the development parameter" dialog.
You can select the parameter category to paste on this dialog, and clicking [Execute] pastes selected the part of the parameters to the target scenes.
 Click on the  icon located to the left of the combo box for taste selection in each parameter category to display a dialog for applying tastes to multiple selected scenes.
Select a taste to be applied and click on the [OK] button here.
7.8. Select Taste
You can select the development parameter from the list of taste. You can improve efficiency of your work flow by registering the taste that is used frequently.
About "Taste", please refer to '4.1.1 Taste'.
Please see " All categories / tastes" and " Other tastes" concerning how to select tastes.
7.9. Add Taste
You can register the development parameter of the selected scene as "taste". You can improve efficiency of your work flow by registering the taste that is used frequently. You can register in the taste section the current selected scene's development parameters. The registered taste parameters that you use often can be moved up toward to top to make your operation more efficient.
Please see " Registering tastes" concerning how to register tastes.
7.10. Default Parameter Setting
You can register the taste as the default parameter, which was registered to "All parameters" of "Taste category".
For more details, please refer to the '9.5 Default Parameter Setting'.