A unique phenomenon occurs with digital camera images. Color deteriorates near edges at high-saturation borders, and a white, unnatural outline appears. This makes pictures look like "Digital" images. SILKYPIX has good color separation and almost no jagged edges, unnatural outlines, or false coloration at high-saturation borders. Conventional development techniques contain negative characteristics that deteriorated image quality due to poor color separation. For example, borderlines between black and white can be clearly seen, but borderlines between dark colors are blurred so that the image looks out of focus, there are jagged edges, and there are achromatic (back and white) portions. SILKYPIX Developer Studio 2.0 uses a new de-mosaic logic method that allows for high color separation.
Usually, separation between blue and red is also difficult. However separation was made with high resolution. The red portion has discoloration and there is poor color separation. The red color became vermilion and the blue color close to the border is darker.
Magenta and green have good separation, and both colors are bright. The border is squared and not curved, and a darker color appears. The left curve above the C is way out of line. Also, the whole image has low color saturation. |
Usually, color separation between cyan and yellow is difficult, but this shows that separation can be made at high resolution.
The outline is not clear and resolution is not sufficient.
The color of the outline is darkened and color separation is not clear.