
6. Easy adjustment function
    The warning display is a function to help adjust the parameter.

    6.1 Display warning
      When you click the icon on the Toolbar, you can specify each alarm.
      When the preview is displayed, the alarm display will be blinking repeatedly.
      The blinking in black indicates the saturated area. The blinking in white indicates the shadow parts don't have enough light exposure.

      (1) Enable Highlight warning
        The highlighted part where the image is brighter than the specified level and the saturated color is blinking.

        This is a convenient function to adjust the exposure bias. It is really convenient to warn you when the saturation is adjusted by reversing the colors.
        Sometimes, you cannot avoid the highlight warning even if you lower the "Exposure bias level. In this case, you cannot restore the highlighted parts because the sensor is saturated. This is a way you can check whether or not the picture had too much exposure.

      (2) Enable Shadow warning
        Contrary to the highlight warning, the "Shadow warning", warns you that the shadow parts do not have enough light exposure.

      (3) Enable Highlight/shadow warnings
        This function will warn you at the same time about the highlights and shadow parts.

      (4) Enable Out of gamut warning
        Out of gamut area is blinking.


      The warning levels can be customized. Please refer to the "9.3 Function setting".

    6.2 Tone curve
      In the menu [View (V)] - [Tone curve (T)], "Tone curve" dialog will begin.

      When you specify the "Tone curve", this will convert the brightness of the targeted image.

      The horizontal axis is input brightness and the vertical axis is output brightness.

      * The size of the dialog can be adjusted by dragging the windows frame. Moreover, the size of the dialog can be adjusted by keeping the aspect ratio of the dialog when dragging it while holding the Shift key.

      6.2.1 Edit of points
        A curve is drawn to pass through the specified point, to adjust the curve by adding and moving the point. The color coordinates are displayed right-side of the all initialization button.
        The guide display function: The value of the position is displayed when there is a cursor on the preview.

        (1) Adding point
          Click on the point on the graph with your mouse, and then the point will be placed in the right position.

        (2) Moving point
          You can move the point by dragging the mouse

        (3) Deleting point
          Move the cursor to the point that you want to delete, and the point will delete by clicking the right button.
          Moreover, a current point can be deleted by using the Delete key. You are able to delete up to the last two points.

        (4) Current point
          The current point is displayed in red, and this is the point to work from. Use the Delete key to delete this point.

      6.2.2 Tone curve control

        [X] button ... Close the dialog.
        (1) Type ... Select the type of tone curve you want to edit.

          RGBEdit the tone curve for all RGB element.
          REdit the tone curve for only R element.
          GEdit the tone curve for only G element.
          BEdit the tone curve for only B element.

        (2) [Init] button ... Initialize only current selected tone curve to default
        (3) [Init all] button ... Initialize all tone curve to default.
        (4) [Point cursor] ... Indicate the tone curve point of the color of mouse cursor on the preview image.
        (5) [Add point] button ... Enter "Add point" mode. You can add the point on the tone curve by clicking mouse on preview image.

        * (4) [Point cursor] and (5) [Add point] button are enabled only when tone curve is monotonically increasing or decreasing.

      6.2.3 Curve types
        You can select two of the following types;
        (1) Straight line - The specified points is connected with line segments

        (2) Curve - The specified points are connected with the smooth curve line.

    6.3 Histogram
      The menu command [View (V)] - [Histogram (H)], "Histogram" dialog will be appeared.

      The "Histogram" shows the whereabouts of the brightness distribution curve.
      The horizontal axis indicates the brightness (0 - 255). The vertical axis indicates the frequency of each brightness value.
      Each RGB is displayed in the graph by each color, and the part that piles up the RGB elements is expressed by the additive color mixing.

      6.3.1 Histogram display mode

        The display can be selected from the following two modes.

        (1) Automatic display
          The scale of the histogram vertical axis is set automatically to the value that appropriate for the image.

        (2) Manual display
          This mode can manually adjust the scale of the histogram's vertical axis.
          The scale of the axis can be adjusted by using the below slider. Moving the slider to left will make the scale rougher and moving it to right will make it closer.

      6.3.2 How to read the histogram
        There are four arrows on the grayscale bar, which have the following meanings

        (1) Contrast center
        (2) RGB marker
          Pointing to the preview image using the mouse cursor, the RGB value is displayed as the corresponding brightness positioned on the graph. Furthermore, you can indicate the frequency of the brightness of each RGB by clicking on the graph.

    6.4 Shortcut keys and function keys

      6.4.3 Shortcut key list

      Key OperationSelect oneMulti selectPreview modeexcept RAW data
      [F2]Exposure bias tool--V-
      [F3]Gray balance tool--V-
      [F5]Refresh previewV-V-
      [F6]Delete markVVVV
      [F7]Copy/Move markVVVV
      [F8]Batch development markVVV-
      [F11]Previous scene--VV
      [F12]Next scene--VV
      Ctrl+[A]Select all scenesVV-V
      Ctrl+[C]Copy development ParameterV-V-
      Ctrl+[E]Rotate CCW -90degVVVV
      Ctrl+[F]Open folderVVVV
      Ctrl+[G]Display grid--VV
      Ctrl+[M]Tone curveVVVV
      Ctrl+[O]Open fileVVVV
      Ctrl+[R]Rotate CW 90degVVVV
      Ctrl+[V]Paste development parameterVVV-
      Ctrl+[W]Switch display modeV-VV
      Ctrl+[X]Initialize development parameterVVV-
      Ctrl+[0]Display magnification: Whole display--VV
      Alt+Ctrl+[0]Display magnification: 100% display--VV
      Ctrl+[+]Display magnification: Zoom in--VV
      Ctrl+[-]Display magnification: Zoom out--VV
      Shift+[up-arrow]Display magnification: Zoom in--VV
      Shift+[down-arrow]Display magnification Zoom out--VV
      Shift+[right-arrow]Display magnification: 100% display--VV
      Shift+[left-arrow]Display magnification: Whole display--VV
      [PageUp]Scroll upVVVV
      [PageDown]Scroll downVVVV
      [Home]Scroll to the topVV-V
      [End]Scroll to the endVV-V

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