
6. Useful Functions for Adjustment
    This software has warning function to support the parameter adjustment.

    6.1 Highlight/Shadow/Outside of the Color Gamut Warnings
    6.2 Tone Curve
      The menu [View(V)] - [Tone curve(T)] starts up the "Tone curve" dialog.

      You can set the curve which exchanges lightness while editing a picture. The horizontal axis means input (brightness of source picture) and the vertical axis means output (brightness of result picture after exchange). You can control lightness in a picture by operating this curve.
      * By dragging window's frame of the "Tone curve" dialog, you can adjust a size of the dialog.
      In addition, by dragging it while pressing the Shift key, you can adjust the size while fixing aspect ratio of it.

      6.2.1 Editing Points
        The curve is drawn as passing through a point, and you can operate the curve by moving the point. During the operation, coordinates are displayed at the right side of the "Init all" button. Guide display function: When there is a cursor on the preview, a value of the position is displayed.

        (1) Adding Point
          Click the mouse on a graph to place a point at the position.

        (2) Moving Point
          Move the mouse cursor around the point that already exist The cursor image changes to the {crosshair cursor}.
          Drag the mouse in this state to move the existing point.

        (3) Deleting Point
          Move and right-click the mouse on the target point to delete.
          In addition, you can delete the current point by pressing the Delete key. You can delete up to the last two points.

        (4) Current Point
          The point displayed in red is the current point, which is the last point you operated.
          By pressing the Delete key, you can delete this current point.

      6.2.2 Tone Curve: Button

        (1) Type Combo Box ¥¥¥You can select the value which you want to operate a gradation process in a combo box.

          RGBSet gradation process for all RGB values with the tone curve.
          RSet gradation process for R value with the tone curve.
          GSet gradation process for G value with the tone curve.
          BSet gradation process for B value with the tone curve.

        The process is reflected in order of tone curve settings for each R, G, and B first and then tone curve setting for RGB.

        (2) "Init" button ¥¥¥Initializes the lightness setting.
        (3) "Init all" button ¥¥¥Initializes the all tone curve settings of RGB, R, G, and B.
        (4) Guide display ¥¥¥Displays a value of position where a cursor is on.
        (5) "Add point" button ¥¥¥Adds a point on the presently selected type of tone curve by moving the eyedropper icon on the preview and clicking the point to edit (By clicking the point while pressing the Ctrl key, you can add a point on all tone curves of RGB, R, G, and B).

        * '(4) Guide display' and '(5)"Add point" button' are valid only when all points are monotone increasing or monotone decreasing.

      6.2.3 Type
        Regarding  "Tone curve", you can select the following two types.

        (1) "Straight" Connects placed points with a line segment.

        (2) "Curve" Connects placed points with the smooth curve which passing through the points.

    6.3 Histogram
      The menu [View(V)] - [Histogram(H)] starts up the "Histogram" dialog.
      "Histogram" displays a brightness distribution on a picture. You can check which part of the picture has what kind of brightness.
      The horizontal axis means brightness (0 - 255), and the more it goes to the right side, the more brightness increases. The vertical axis means the number of pixels that corresponds to its brightness.
      R, G, and B are displayed in each color on a graph, and the place where these overlap is displayed in additive color mixture.

      6.3.1 Histogram: Mode
        You can select the following two modes for display.

        (1) Auto
          The scale on the vertical axis of a histogram is set to the most suitable value automatically for a picture.

        (2) Manual
          You can adjust the scale on the horizontal axis of a vertical manually.
          You can adjust the scale on the axis by operating the below slider. The scale gets rough as you move it to the left side, and it gets minute as you move it to the right side.

      6.3.2 Displaying Histogram
        The arrow displayed on the gray scale at the bottom has the following meanings.

        (1) Contrast center
        (2) RGB marker
          This displays a RGB value of the point which is the mouse cursor is on. The value corresponds to brightness position on a graph.
          It is very effective to check where a color of a point on a screen is distributed on a histogram.

        In addition, by clicking a graph, you can see each brightness statistic of RGB.

    6.4 Shortcut Key and Function Key

      6.4.3 Shortcut Key List

      KeyOperationSingle SelectionMultiple SelectionPreview ModeBesides RAW Data
      F2Exposure bias tool
      F3Gray balance tool
      F5Preview update
      F6Delete mark
      F7Copy/move mark
      F9Switching floating control display
      F11Previous scene
      F12Next scene
      Ctrl + ASelect all scene
      Ctrl + CCopy development parameter
      Ctrl + ERotate CCW (-90 degree)
      Ctrl + FSelect folder
      Ctrl + GDisplay grid
      Ctrl + HHistogram
      Ctrl + MTone curve
      Ctrl + OSelect file
      Ctrl + PPrint
      Ctrl + RRotate CW (+90 degree)
      Ctrl + SDevelopment
      Ctrl + TTrimming setting
      Ctrl + VPaste development parameter
      Ctrl + WSwitch display mode
      Ctrl + XInitialize development parameter
      Ctrl + YRedo
      Ctrl + ZUndo
      Ctrl + 0Display magnification:  Whole display
      Alt + Ctrl + 0 Display magnification: 100%
      Ctrl + + Display magnification: Zoom in
      Ctrl + - Display magnification: Zoom out
      Shift + ↑ Display magnification: Zoom in
      Shift + ↓ Display magnification: Zoom out
      Shift + → Display magnification: 100%
      Shift + ← Display magnification: Whole display
      PageUpScroll Up
      PageDownScroll Down
      HomeScroll to head
      EndScroll to end

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